The Holy Bible and the TV Guide

 Victory Ministries Middle Tennessee  -  -  6/14/2018 



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There on the table,  they lie side by side 

Is God's Holy Bible and the bright TV Guide.


One is well read and cherished with pride 

But that one’s not the Bible, it's the bright TV Guide.


And turning the pages, what shall they see? 

It makes little difference, just turn on that TV.


But confusion begins, for they can't all agree

What they shall watch on their big screen TV.


Shall it be those young stars, who are scantily clothed

Or a violent drama, where sex scenes are shown. 


Or maybe a talk show, where all talk about self

And espouse all their wisdom, but God they'll leave out. 


Yes, they refer to the Book, which they all confide 

But it's not the Bible, it's the bright TV Guide.


The true Word of God, is seldomly read

But maybe one verse,  just before bed.


Exhausted and sleepy, tired as one can be 

Not from reading the Bible, but from watching TV.


Then back to the table,  to lie side by side

God's Holy Bible and the new TV Guide.


There's no time for prayer, and no time for His Word 

Christ's plan of salvation, is seldomly heard.


The forgiveness of sin, it's so full and so free   

We find in God’s Bible, but not on TV.


*   *   *   *   *  


"Every word of God is pure: he is a shield

unto them that put their trust in him"  (Pro 30:5).


God's word - Read it.  Believe it.


Author unknown - modified greatly by gw


Thanks for "Taking 5"  - Gary Waddell - Victory Ministries Middle Tennessee - God bless and bless GOD



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For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

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A special thanks to Daniel Gibson of Tennessee Valley Web Design for his involvement in promoting God's holy word and a safe stop on the internet.


Our Friend Daniel Gibson went home to be with the LORD on March 17, 2018 

Without Danny the re-posting of this site would have been delayed for another year at least.  Glory to God for Him placing Dan in my path.