Jesse Chavez - Personal Testimony
Jesse Chavez, Mexican American
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3,5
Hello, my name is Jesse Chavez. I was born in Wichita, Kansas on the north side, which our Mexican people call the North End.
I was raised Roman Catholic for 28 years and served as an altar boy, and also in the choir. I attended Catholic schools from grade school to high school My father had a beautiful altar with all his saints and a bible on the top, which he never read. He just took it down to clean it. One day I drove by a church with a sign that read, “Don’t allow your Bibles to get dusty because your lives will be dirty.”
On April 15, 1979, I married Mirinda Ware who is Kiowa and Creek, she was a Christian and I was not. Before we were married her pastor told me if I didn’t get born again our marriage would not last. I was hot. My attitude was, I am a Catholic and will die a Catholic even though I hardly went to church. The lord of my life was basketball and dancing. One Sunday I went with my wife to Indian Southern Baptist Church where the children recited the books of the Bible, frontwards and backwards. I was so impressed that I began to learn the books of the Bible. On October 5, 1980, the Lord became so real to me that I was born again and then on October 26th I was baptized.
Because of Christ, my marriage has lasted for 40 years. Because of Christ I was rejected from my parent’s home. My new life with Christ is everything I was looking for. 2 Corinthians 5:17, has be come my favorite Bible verse. Since coming to Christ I have served from custodian to Bible teacher to ordained deacon to Assistant Pastor at Indian Southern Baptist Church. The Lord has placed in my heart a genuine love for lost souls. God used the Bible to change me and God will use the Bible to change you. God’s grace is real, so come and get some, today.
Jesse Chavez
Published by permission - Gary Waddell - Victory Ministries of Middle TN - VMMTN.COM
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