From the Nations
Messages from Native Men expressly written to Native Men
Sermons & Testimonies by Native Pastors and Leaders
compiled by Gary Hawkins, Sonya Davis, Gerald Best, Evangelist Phil Lawrence, and Country Acres Baptist Church.
Decades and centuries of struggle in the United States and Canada find many Native Americans in some of the same struggles today as it was many years ago. The answer to their struggles and all of our difficulties can only be found in a Powerful, Loving and Devoted Savior, Jesus Christ our LORD. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End. Jesus is the answer to all of our troubles.
We thank God for the Native American Leaders that have gone out from their lands and are evangelizing many churches throughout the U.S. They are warriors bringing the Gospel to many who have never known God’s word and who have not even known that Jesus is God in the flesh.