Quit You Like MenINDIAN-FAMILY.png - 593.54 kB

Dustin Tidwell, Cherokee    1/24/2018

Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men,

be strong.   1 Cor 16:13


 My name is Dustin Tidwell and I pray the God will use this message to speak to your hearts about the need for Biblical manliness.

In the final verses of 1 Corinthians, Paul gave several exhortations. One that really stands out to me is found in 1 Cor 16:13, “. . . and quit you like men.”

In our modern speech the word “quit means “to stop” or “to give up,” but it use to mean “to behave oneself or conduct oneself in a specific way.”

The Greek word that is translated here means to render one manly or brave; not to be a coward or timid or alarmed but to be bold and courageous. In our modern English we might say “Be a man,” or “play the man” or “show yourself a man.” However we choose to understand it , it is obvious that there is a definite need for men to behave like men.

Our families need MEN.

The first institution God created was the family. The first member of that family was a man. God gave him authority and responsibility within his family to protect, provide, and lead. In a society that is confused as ours, it requires courage to stand up and be MEN for our family’s sake.

Our churches need MEN.

A simple study of the gospels reveals that when Christ began gathering the people that would later form the first church, he called men unto Himself. No doubt, there were women that came to Him also but it was men that He trained for the work of the ministry and appointed to be apostles.

In many churches today there is a lack of male leadership. Men have gotten spiritually lazy and the women have stepped up to fill the needs. Praise God for godly women, but men need to realize their God-given responsibility to lead their churches. Spiritual bravery is required to be what God would have you to be within the church.

Our nation needs MEN.

Today more that at any other time in history, our nation is suffering from a lack of leadership. When the nation of Israel was in the same condition God said “And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found noneEz 22:30.

Destruction is rapidly coming upoon our nation, in large part because men are not “making up a hedge” and “standing in the gap.”  In short, they are not being the men God would have them to be.

Regardless of what the culture around you says or does, “quit you like men.”

By Permission - Gary Waddell - Victory Ministries of Middle TN - VMMTN.COM
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For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

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A special thanks to Daniel Gibson of Tennessee Valley Web Design for his involvement in promoting God's holy word and a safe stop on the internet.


Our Friend Daniel Gibson went home to be with the LORD on March 17, 2018 

Without Danny the re-posting of this site would have been delayed for another year at least.  Glory to God for Him placing Dan in my path.