I Can Do All Things Through Christ
Ralph Hamblin, Sac-N-Fox

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Phil 4:13


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Hi, my name is Ralph Hamblin. I am a Sac and Fox Indian from Oklahoma.

My life was changed by Jesus when I was 8 years old in 1949. My mother always took me and my little brother to church. I attended a boys camp and my pastor shared with me one evening and I realized that I was lost and needed a Savior to save me from my sins. I was sure of what happened when Jesus came into my heart that day. The next spring in 1950, I attended a revival at the Oklahoma Ave. Baptist Church and told the pastor I had been saved and needed to be baptized. I was baptized that next Sunday.

My father did a lot of drinking. Drinking was a way of life in my family. I saw what it was doing to my family and knew that wasn’t something I wanted in my life. I felt that I could do more than just waste my life doing what everybody else was doing. I knew that God was directing my path. Without a Christian father God sent men into my life that gave me direction and opportunities to achieve. I joined the Boy Scouts, they had good leaders and boys who had visions for themselves. In 1958 earned my Eagle Scout Award and my God and Country Award. I ran track for Shawnee High School - I graduated in 1959. I taught Sunday School at my church, and I was on radio at the TB Indian Hospital and taught Bible lessons for the patients. In 1961 I joined the U.S. Naval Reserves. In 1962 I went on active duty aboard the U.S.S. Klondike. I didn’t plan my direction, God did. I retired from the Navy and Air Force with 33 years of service.

In June of 1964 I was married to Joyce Narcomey. She is Creek, Seminole, and Cherokee. We have two boys, and we adopted two children from the Pine Ridge Reservation. God has used my gifts to share the gospel in many areas. Joyce is an artist and was used to share the gospel also. We have worked on many reservations, prisons, jails, and men’s programs. I was ordained in 1972 as a deacon. God moved my family from Indian churches, and for 24 years we served in other churches. This move caused me to see and be a part of missions in many areas. I have been a church planter and have preached in many locations. I just finished reading about a great preacher named D.L. Moody. He had a 5th grade education, never went to college, was never ordained, but it was said of him, “The world is yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in a man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.” It was said that over the years that D.L. Moody preached that reached over 100 million people.

What could God do with a person like you? No one knows except God. When you place your life in His hands and say, “God I am yours, I no longer control my life, I give myself over to you,” then God can begin a work. You will be amazed at what He does. 

I pray that each of you will hear His call and say, “Yes”.

By permission / Gary Waddell - Victory Ministries of Middle TN - VMMTN.COM
Thanks for Taking Five - God bless and bless GOD